Mathematicians, With The Aid of Artificial Intelligence, Have Come Up With The "Ultimate Curse Word" And If This Is The Best A.I. Can Do, It Should Be Ashamed Of Itself

Daily Mail - A mathematician has created an entirely new curse word based on a list of 186 offensive terms - and she said it is 'the world's ultimate swear word.

Sophie Maclean, a student at Kings College London, found 'banger' is the supreme offensive term, or 'ber' for short.

The researcher fed a list of popular 'bad words' to a computer model, which then found the supreme word begins with the letter 'b,' has four letters and ends in '-er.'

Mclean found that when no inputs were given, the model made up words like 'ditwat.' 

A mathematician (yes, you read that right) has unleashed their formidable intellect upon the task of creating the most offensive swear word ever known to humanity. Yawn. 

Apparently, this esteemed mathematician utilized an "algorithm" (cue dramatic music) to generate the ultimate expletive. Because, you know, algorithms and artificial intelligence were created for this very thing. Forget curing diseases or solving world hunger; let's focus on developing the most offensive word possible. Clearly, humanity's priorities are in order.

And this is the shit this moronic computer came up with?

Giphy Images.


The ubiquitous term of mine and younger generations to describe a song that gets the people going, is now dubbed the "ultimate swear word."

How did these geniuses arrive at their findings you ask?

The mathematician used a Markov chain in this work, which is a model describing a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event.'

This means results are created based on previous inputs, which is what Mclean performed in the study.

She fed the model a list of English swear words compiled from Ofcom, which commissioned Ipsos MORI to research to help them understand public attitudes towards offensive language on TV and radio. 

Mclean manually sifted through the list and narrowed it down to 45 of the most offensive words based on the public's attitude.

The list was fed to the algorithm, which landed on specific inputs she then used to create the new swear word.

Lame as fuck Mr. Mclean. Please excuse my language.

I think Mr. George Carlin had it right, with a far simpler "algorithm" of his own, decades ago.

This was in the article and I thought was pretty interesting. I also believe you should never trust somebody who doesn't swear.


Mclean told BBC that science has found evidence that screaming out 'bad words' can reduce pain, and other studies have found using such words is a sign of intelligence.

Researchers from Keele University's School of Psychology determine swearing can have a 'pain-lessening effect.' The team believes swearing triggers our natural 'fight-or-flight' response.

Volunteers submerged their hands in a tub of ice water for as long as possible while repeating their taboo word of choice. Researchers found that the volunteers could keep their hands submerged in the ice water for a longer period when repeating the swear word, establishing a link between swearing and an increase in pain tolerance.

Profanity has also been linked to honesty and creativity, as people choose powerful words to express their emotions.  Doing so activates an area of the right brain known as the 'creative brain.'

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